Top gay bars london

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The Birdcage: A traditional friendly pub in Chiswick which closed in 2006.Bar Titania: Was on Charing Cross Road on the site of the old Ku Bar next to Manbar/CXR.Barcode: a dancey bar in Soho which closed in the late 00s.Barcode Vauxhall: cruisy bar in Albert Embankment. 1996 – 2015.Bar Aquda: on Maiden Lane near Covent Garden.The Bar: a large style cafe bar in Shoreditch.The Backstreet: London’s longest-running fetish and leather club 1985-2022.Artful Dodger: in Highbury and Islington.The Anvil: rather sleazy bar within the Shipwrights Arms in Tooley Street.(Click on the name to go to the venue’s page) If you have any details you can add to the descriptions or have photos please click on the venue and use the comment section at the bottom of the page to add your memories. There’s a lot of conversation over the number of gay/LGBT bars and clubs that have closed in recent years, using an old copy of Fluid magazine, (which no longer exist either) from 2001 we discover the bars, clubs or gay nights that have closed in London since 2000.Ĭan you help us create a full listing complete with pictures? We’re trying to create the ultimate Lost LGBT Scenearchive.

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